“The Importance of Holistic Living”
originally written March 16, 2021
3/1/20243 min read

If it is anything that we must understand as participants on this pulsating blue-green sphere is that we are all connected. According to cosmic law, all of our actions and our decisions individually and collectively alters all life. They are much like the enthralling and continuous ripple from a pebble striking a still pond or like a set of aligned dominoes falling in perfect casual sequence. In this selfish society, whether we like it or not, we are responsible for one another. This has been proven by the correlation between our increased demand for wide ranged goods and our depleting biodiversity both in the waters and on land. This is not only true within a planetary sense but also in an anatomical and metaphysical capacity.
When most people look to lead healthier lives, they will more often than not focus on one or two things at a time. Dieting and exercise are two of the most popular actions that people will take on-- at best in combination. Yes, this is a powerful step in taking back control of one’s health as you can reverse many ailments through a physical and steady detoxification of waste that may have been latent within the body. However, what of the important Ayurvedic and preventative methods such as nasal/body steaming, herbal medicinal maintenance or meditation? What of keeping a plant or two in your personal space? What of minding the music that you listen to or the energy that you keep in your life?
This is what it means to lead a holistic life.

All facets must be closely regarded in order to create the most healthy, peaceful and abundant life that you wish to create for yourself. Happiness is the measure, and it is so simple to achieve. The first step is to establish a perspective of self-preservation. As you begin to venture on in your journey, you start to naturally become aware of each thing that enters your life, ensuring that it is to be life-giving. This is something that the late honorable Dr. Sebi spoke on during his lectures.
Everything must be life-giving.
As I stated, exercise and dieting are our go-tos to achieve health and wellness. However, what is the use of eating a healthy meal if you are going to simultaneously carry on a negative conversation or listen to music that promotes violence? The energies that you consume on a subconscious level are just as harmful as the physical food that sits on your plate. Though you are experiencing a problem of the mind, because the mind controls the body, it can then manifest itself in many ways. Appearing in the form of the cortisol hormone, while eating stress can negatively impact your digestive process. This hormone can cause heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and more. This is just one example of understanding how energy works and it can manifest itself in ways you never thought possible.
There are so many things that you can do to manage the energy in your life until it becomes second nature to you. From the job that you have, to the friends that you keep, to the activities you partake in, to the undesirable mannerisms and the habits you have yet to shake off, it all must be examined.
Crystals, sage, and singing bowls are all beautiful but they can wait.
The first step is you.