“I’m Not Asking You, I’m Telling You”: The Power Of Manifestation
Originally written on June 2, 2021
3/1/20244 min read

The conversations around manifestation have gained quite some popularity through the last few years. With alternative spiritual ideologies emerging and people looking to find more ways of empowering themselves, this energy is now penetrating our waking conscious minds and is being identified as an art and even being structured as a practice. However, what is manifestation and how can we use it to serve ourselves and the world around us?
Manifestation is nothing new to man. It is inherent within us. Manifestation starts with a thought or idea, and becomes materialized when structures are erected. When great cities rise. When babies are born into this realm.
It is a natural force that has been infused in culture, belief systems and civilization for eon. Whether people have understood it to be manifestation through God, the Divine, nature or themselves- on a very basic level, we have been manifesting. Most of us wake up everyday with a range of things that we set out to accomplish. We attend schools and receive training to secure our future careers. We go to our jobs that supply us with the income that will help us get that car we have been eyeing. We purchase tickets to travel to that tropical island that we have been dying to visit. We do a variety of short to long term activities that will one day allow us to meet our goals.
And then it is on to the next one.
However, at what point do we stop moving in a way of manifesting for self? How big does a goal get that you in fact turn around and cease all movement towards it?
Could it be the moment that YOU tell yourself that it is not possible? These third dimensional hurdles are in your way, making you think that your desires are merely dreams when they can be your reality. In this present moment you may lack money, time or support, but those are just the bells and whistles compared to the machine that is your mind. An extension of universal consciousness, the processor computer of life itself.
When I was introduced to the book, Write it Down, Make it Happen by Hanriette Klauser in college, I learned that manifestation is a muscle that we all have that MUST be practiced in order for us to reach our fullest potential. I read this work thinking,
By writing things down, I can simply manifest things?
At the time I didn’t fully understand the math behind it, but I still followed the principles to see what could be.
I found myself, manifesting things I never could have dreamed of. I was able to study abroad and even acquired the funds to do so, I began traveling to countries I always wanted to go to- I was making things happen. As time has passed, I realized that I wasn’t just writing down words, I was painting my reality. Not asking, I was creating. This was also a time of spiritual growth for me as I had been moving into a space of reconnecting with my Indigenous spirituality. It was at this time that I understood the true power of manifestation.
When looking to reach its highest levels; I like to compare the process as messages to the universe that then get sent back to you in the form of your goal. The work you attach unto the request is all the same. There must be action on your part. However, the communication is the part that varies. Many people say, write down their goals or create vision boards, using the air element. You speaking words is a vibration, and that energy gets moved into the space around you and out into the universe, and you better believe she is listening. She is already gearing up to co-create with you.
“Contemplation Print” by Lee Ransaw

“Sacred Mother” by Brian Kirhagis
By understanding how we can use all elements to transmit intentions out into the universe we can then shorten that gap in between us and our goals. There is so much power in tapping into those fire, earth and water elements to communicate what you want for yourself. You can think of each element as a cell phone, voice note, an email, or a fax machine. All send messages but in different forms. I encourage you all to further deepen your understanding of manifestation by researching the elements that you resonate closest with and learn how to manifest when working with it.
You may practice by writing down something that will undoubtedly come to be. This way you can get in tune with knowing what it feels like to speak on something and it happen. You may then move onto things that will swing in your favor, but are still not certain about- and you speak on it! Visualize it happening, and watch it unfold in your mind. Express gratitude to the universe for providing, even if it has yet to reach your fingertips.
Continue with these practices until you feel confident enough to apply it to bigger feats. Keep that energy of confidence and trust in the Universe high. Ever high!
Remember, you are an expression of the creator, therefore you are of the creator. We are so powerful beyond our own perception. Guided by the protective energies surrounding us, we have room to trust in our own abilities and intuition to unlock the future we deserve. Do not allow fear to keep you from taking a chance on yourself. Expand beyond what you thought you deserved and begin receiving everything the Universe has engraved your name on. It is already yours!